Friday, December 28, 2007

Recent Project :: Photo Restoration

Recently, I was assigned a task to restore an old photo, shrunk it a bit and frame it. The old photo was just wrapped with a transparent plastic, thus the photo was damaged.

After unwrapping the photo from the old base, the piicture was too big for my scanner so I crop-scanned from all the four corners and use the Photomerge script in Photoshop so I get this. The picture was quite damaged with a lot of stains and dirt on it.

After the a lot of repair and touching up, it end up with this.

This is what I've got after editing. The dull color is remained.

Alternatively, I turned it to a black and white photo with extra black concentration. It looks very much more brilliant and the customer had chosen this for the framing work.

So the above is how the lamination was done. Even using the thick photo paper, the matte lamination was done real nicely. I was expecting an unsmooth lamition edge at the edge of the photo but they have done very well. It comes with a price, 4 times higher than the price that I used to do.

You may hardly differentiate between the wood border and the black mounting board that has become the background of the frame content. Very nice. I like this very much!

Some more perspective if the frame.

A brilliant final product!


Anonymous said...

Can u edit my 2 years old picture? Dah kena air....

Anonymous said...

Can u edit my 2 years old picture? Dah kena air....

Anonymous said...

i really like her dress, its making a come back.