Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Majlis Pertunangan Ayue & One (9 June 2006)

It wasn't so hard to find Ayue's house in Felda Semenchu near the Desaru Area. I was amongst the first to arrive and I was damn hungry as I took a look around.

The Engagement was smooth with me sitting in the middle of the house dengan muka tebalnya. The food was marvellous, or was it me that ridiculously hungry? Well the Peceri Terung (er betul ke eja nih?) was my julung2 kali and it was slurpious.

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Miss Appleijo said...

peceri terung kok bunyik nya macam org jawo jer hahaha (ntah2 memang budak ni jawa)

p/s :- aku rase ejaan dia PAJERI :P

Anonymous said...

Haha..mmg pajeri. Betul la ziana..mmg cam cowo peceri lak peginya.

Anonymous said...

erkkk... gambo bawah tu naper letak 2 june.. kan 9 june hehehe agak2 lah encik kalau replace2 pun hehe

-zaza:o:binxz- said...

haha peceri hahahahahha

mana lagi gambar best fren saya ni bang oi... tula bz sangat lah tu hahaha bisnes baekk nampak

ei 9 june tau, jgn memain sama ngan wedding pak lah haha kan chik kan